Enkhtsatsar Tugs-Aldar Thornton
Mrs. Enkhtsatsar Tugs-Aldar-Thornton has a diverse background covering the educational, business and cultural sectors for over 20 years, primarily in Mongolia. She is the Founder and CEO of the "Karakorum Heritage Foundation" that was established to promote, preserve and protect the unique intangible cultural heritage of Mongolia’s nomadic way of life. She holds a Master degree in Linguistics from Otgontenger University in Ulaanbaatar and has published a number of articles and papers. Enkhtsatsar established and managed a business consulting company " Zaza Corporate Counsel" LLC in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 2009 to 2016; its role was the promotion of business and investment opportunities in Mongolia for the third neighbour countries. During her time in Australia she has remained active in the local Mongolian Community and advises and supports her partner, Brian Thornton who is the Honorary Consul for Mongolia in NSW. She is also employed on a part time basis, as an intercultural competency test assessor at NAATI - (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters).
For the role as Executive Board Member of Mongolia Institute.