Battogtokh Javzandolgor
Dr. Battogtokh Javzandolgor currently serves as Professor of the School of International Relations and Public Administration at National University of Mongolia. Over the years 2000-2023, she has worked as a Associate Professor, and Professor of International Public Law and a dean at the School of international relations and public administration, National University of Mongolia. While working as a Professor, Dr. Javzandolgor successfully supervised and defended 50 master's research projects and gave a review to 24 master's research projects. She has published more than 30 academic articles in leading international and Mongolian research journals and for various conferences, on issues such as international law, international cooperation, and analysis of international agreements signed by Mongolia. In addition to teaching and research activities, Dr. Javzandolgor takes an active leadership role in promoting social good in Mongolia. She supports the activities of Amnesty International, an international organization that protects human rights, especially children's and women's rights. She also supports the Model United Nations meetings in Mongolia. As a guest researcher and teacher, Dr. Javzandolgor has traveled to various parts of the world, such as the Republic of Korea, Russia, China, Taiwan, Israel and Malaysia, where she has lectured on the international agreements that Mongolia has joined and the diplomatic initiatives of Mongolia. Dr. Javzandolgor is also a member of the board of the Asian International Law Association. They worked together on Encyclopedia of International Law in Asia.
Human rights, human migration, international public law, international relations, regional studies.